Introduction to United States Government - 3rd year

Consideration of the American political process: legislative, executive, and judicial function and structure at national level viewed in the context of political culture, political parties, pressure groups, and citizenship. Examination of various political decision-making models, such as pluralism, elitism, corporatism, and/or the iron triangle model in the context of current issues in American politics.


By the end of the course, students will be able to:

1. Identify the institutions of the American government and understand their functions;

2. Identify the roles of non-governmental and social organizations, such as political parties and interest groups, and the manner in which individual citizens participate in American politics;

3. Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary political issues in the United States, and analytical skills that enable them to interpret various political events;

4. Explain various political decision-making models and analyze current issues using these models;

5. Demonstrate understanding of how historical factors have shaped American ideology in which it’s political institutions function;

6. Evaluate and assess the political performance of the U.S. Government in terms of its policy outcomes, such as economic development, political stability, social equality, personal liberty, and quality of life.


Course topics will include the following:

1. Constitutional Basis of American Politics and Federalism

2. Liberty and Equality

3. Political Participation

4. American Political Institutions

5. Public Policy and it’s making

Method of Instruction:

1. Lecture

2. Video

3. Student presentation

4. Class discussion

Types of Assignments:

1. Students may be assigned short papers, classroom oral reports, and essay exams emphasizing political processes, political institutions and problems. Through these assignments, the student’s ability to analyze various policy issues by using appropriate decision-making models would be tested.

2. Integrate information fro books, journals, magazines and/or newspapers in order to assess usefulness of particular decision-making models in analyzing political problems.

3. Watch and report on particular films and television specials on various political issues.

4. Discuss particular social problems of the student interests with experts elsewhere, and attend public forums on the topic.

Sample Text:

1. We the People (T. Patterson, 2nd edition. McGraw Hill, NY 2001)

2. The Politics of American Government (Wayne, Mackenzie, O’Brien, Cole, St. Martin’s, 1995)

3. American Government (Grier, Bresler, Friedrich, Karlesky. 2nd Ed., Harper Collins, 1992)

4. American Government (Susan Welch. et al. 4th Ed., West Publishing, 1992)

5. American Government (Lowi and Ginsberg. 4th Ed., W.W. Norton, 1996)